An ISO 9001 Certified Company
040 - 2709 0401, 2709 1632

Non-Linear Junction Detector


A Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) is used for detection of all kinds of non-linear junctions, which may be semiconductor or metallic. NLJD is a portable, field operatable hand-held NLJD systems, which is an advanced detector using the Harmonic Radar principle to aid the security professionals in the search of concealed electronic devices.

The NLJD is a portable, simple to use advanced Electronic Device Detector, also known as a Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD). The NLJD is capable of locating and confirming the presence of electronic components found in devices, regardless whether they are switched on or off. Devices like Radio Transmitters, Power Amplified Microphones and Electronic Timers etc. contain non-linear junctions and will be detected even if they are embedded in the cabinets and either in conducting or non-conducting states.

Our NLJD provides excellent discrimination between electronic and corrosive (2nd and 3rd harmonic) junctions and utilizes automatic power control which reduces the transmit power to a level where a good distinction between the different levels is visible, making it easy to discriminate between true electronic junctions and false corrosive junctions.